Dine in these participating restaurants, order their DISHES THAT FEED MORE, and give the recipient children a healthier future:
1. 8cuts
2. Beni’s Falafel
3. Chelsea Grand Café
4. Chelsea Kitchen
5. Chotto Matte
6. Corazon
7. Crisostomo
8. Crying Tiger
9. Cyma
10. El Cabrito
11. El Chupacabra
12. El Corazon
13. Elias
14. Feast
15. Felix
16. Florabel
17. Green Pastures
18. Grilla Filipino Cuisine
19. Guevarra’s
20. Izakaya Sensu
21. Kabila
22. Manam
23. Melt Grilled Cheesery
24. Mexicali
25. Museum Café
26. OK Café
27. Ooma
28. Potts Point Café
29. Providore
30. Saboten
31. Señor Pollo
32. Simplé lang
33. Stella and Rocketroom
34. Terraz Bistro & Meetings
35. Terry’s Bistro
36. The Café Mediterranean
37. The Corner Tree Café
38. The Old Spaghetti House
39. The Shrimp Shack
40. Wild Ginger